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Radon More Information


Exposure to Radon Causes Lung Cancer In Non-smokers and Smokers Alike.*

Studies Find Direct Evidence Linking Radon in Homes to Lung Cancer.*

Major scientific organizations continue to believe that approximately 12% of lung cancers annually in the United States are attributable to radon.*

Radon in an indoor air environment is estimated to cause about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States.*

Based on a national residential radon survey completed in 1991, the average indoor radon level is about 1.3 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) in the United States. The average outdoor level is about 0.4 pCi/L. The EPA has determined that abatement measures should be implemented if the Radon level is at or above 4.0 pCi/L.*


What exactly is Radon? (for the scientifically unchallenged) 

Radon is a gaseous radioactive element having the symbol Rn, the atomic number 86, an atomic weight of 222, a melting point of -71ºC, a boiling point of -62ºC, and (depending on the source, there are between 20 and 25 isotopes of radon - 20 cited in the chemical summary, 25 listed in the table of isotopes); it is an extremely toxic, colorless gas; it can be condensed to a transparent liquid and to an opaque, glowing solid; it is derived from the radioactive decay of radium and is used in cancer treatment, as a tracer in leak detection, and in radiography.


What exactly is Radon (for the rest of us)

Radon is a colorless odorless gas derived from Radium (a radioactive element) that seeps to the surface and in many cases gets into and stays in the interior air environment of a house.

Radon abatement is available and often times cost less than minor house projects. Radon levels can be reduced effectively and should not hinder a real estate transaction if properly installed. Abatement systems cost between $800 and $1500 and actually help sell a house. The system will draw out humidity of about 1-2 gallons a day. Once a system is installed, Radon levels should be re-tested by an independant Radon testing contractor.



*EPA website information 


Percentage of Radon tests with elevated levels by county

Allegany                     39%
Anne Arundel              28%
Baltimore Co               32%
Baltimore City             14%
Calvert                       47%
Caroline                      05%
Carroll                        51%
Cecil                           27%
Charles                       11%
Dorchester                  12%

Frederick                     62%
Garrett                        29%
Harford                       36%
Howard                       51%

Kent                           00%
Montgomery                35%
Prince Georges            16%
Queen Annes               11%
St Marys                     14%
Somerset                    14%

Talbot                         02%
Washington                 69%
Wicomico                    00%



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