Baltimore Co. Rentals

Greenlight Home Inspections now offers Baltimore County rental inspections. These inspections are designed specifically for rental property licenses in Baltimore County. As of July 1 2008, all rental properties (with some exceptions) that contain 1-6 units are required to be licensed. In addition, the license (and inspection) must be renewed every three years. A detailed inspection and signed License Inspection Sheet are part of this application process.
The prices for inspection are as follows:
Baltimore County Rental inspection/renewal inspection $159
Re-inspection charge $60
New state regulation for 2018 - CO detectors required on all levels - call for details
The inspection(s) will conform to the guidelines currently posted on the Baltimore County website. The License Inspection Sheet will be available at the conclusion of the Inspection. The following is a checklist of documents required by the county:
3 page Rental application available from the county web site (see below)
Inspection sheet - supplied by the inspector at conclusion of the inspection
CO verification form (from the county web site)
Property photos (No longer required)
Payment coupon (from the county web site)
If your house was built before 1978, you will need to submit a Lead Paint
certification for each unit. If you do not have a certification, Greenlight Home inspections has a list of licensed Lead paint certification companies.
Here are the links to those documents
Baltimore City Rentals

As of 2018 Baltimore City now requires homeowners to register their properties when used for rental. Greenlight Home Inspections is registered with Baltimore city to perform rental inspections. Rental inspection fees are as follows:
Inspection $185
Re-inspection $70 (If necessary)
Greenlight Home Inspections follows the Baltimore city guidelines and upon passing the inspection, will issue a completed inspection sheet. Click below to see the inspection form used.
It is highly recommended that the property owner / manager reviews the inspection sheet form to ensure that the property is in compliance and possibly avoiding the necessity of needing a re-inspection. This inspection typically takes about 15-20 minutes.